Monday, March 7, 2016

Allah loves the muhsineen.

I ve been having a lot of internal conflict with myself lately.
It's a matter of doing good to others, especially your friend versus caring for your own self.
It has made me feel so burdened. Astaghfirullah.
And today I confessed to a friend whom seems to be can read my mind. She told me that she noticed it for quite some time but she has been waiting for me to be open about it.
And of course, she's right about it.

Astaghfirullah may Allah forgive me for my weaknesses.

So, while Im reading the Quran just now, going through the translations... Ive found this. In fact, this is the first verse that I read today. Before reading this, I am actually thinking about the problem. On how to solve it, how to face it in the most subtle way... Having come to my own conclusion, I decided to ask for another friend's help. And after reading the verse, I'd got the reply from her and alhamdulillah. Allah answered my doa!
Allah knows I can't bear it any longer... For the turmoils inside of me has turned to be volcanoes waiting for the day it would burst and come out! Luckily Allah saves me from that.

Allahu akbar.

It's too hard.. It's really a great challenge when you know you are being true to yourself. That you cant carry it anymore.

Muhsineen, Mukhliseen, Musbireen.

I wish...


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