Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The road less travelled?

I recently discovered something about myself.

To be truth, I am someone who loves to live in my own comfort zone. I rarely go outside of my comfy zone except that it's a must and I could die if I did not do it.

Yeah, that's what I am. Pathetic? Yeah you can call me whatever you like. But I know my limitations and I like to live in that limitations! Hahaha. (Ok that's a lie, I do take challenges... Sometimes :p)

So what I just noticed about myself is that, I am actually going through "a road less travelled".
You know why?

When I started my master in IIUM, I had chosen to do literature! Basically, this course is less favorable compared to linguistics. But I'd chosen to do it erm because I always think I will get better grades for literature subjects!
Is that wrong to think like that?

I also don't know.

See? I'm not sure of myself sometimes. There are times when I feel insecure of my own decisions. Thinking of it as a mistake. I will start to think bad of myself, then after pondering for quite some time....my positive vibes will come back. Alhamdulillah. I believe that there's always good reasons for what happened. So, what's to be regretted of?


Then, I'd choose to take only courseworks whereas all my classmates are taking mixmode! So... I'm thinking to myself, I choose to take coursework because I believe that it will do good for me as I do not have to do all the researchs but if I'm the only one who do that, does it not give me any suffering or troubles later? Just because i choose "the road less travelled?" Hahaha.

See. I'm scared. I totally fright out just thinking about doing things I dislike! Argh.

Currently I'm boggling my mind to think about the pro and cons of these decisions.

It's so hard to think of this. The future seems to be far away but it's actually just in front of my face!

Wake up hanan!

Footnote: Hanan is a name I used when talking to myself. I love the name and already planning to put Hanan in my daughters names. Hahahahahaha

-kalaulah satu hari nanti my future children happen to read this, hye children! Mummy loves you!-

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Please don't let the worries overcome your thoughts.


Allah kan ada.

Chill a bit. Relax. Cool down.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

IIUM 31st Convocation.


Alhamdulillah, it's now a wrap.
My convocation for undergraduate.
A lot of happy things occured, to me and you. :)

The graduands are super excited this year i think, with a lots of brilliant poses for their pre- and post- convocation photographs. I'm amazed looking at those pictures. Subhanallah. :)
Not sharing the pictures here though, hehe. Sorry.

Despite of all the critiques, mockings and a lot of negative comments being said for them for their excitement, there were a lots of compliments too. For me, i really don't get it why are people love to make a fuss of other people's creativity and ways of expressing themselves.
Please have some respect if you want to be respected. there's no need to argue over these things, really not worth it.

By the way, I'm not one of the people who willing to pay money just to take pictures of me menggedik depan kamera. Haha. (pa wau ya wau). But I still have a lot of pictures taken! Haha. Freeeee of course! Coz money matters ;p

I don't want to share my menggedik pictures here, takut awak yg tengok tu muntah depan laptop. Huhu.

What I got here is this,
a picture of a lovely family.
Masha Allah.

I am truly amazed. :)
Just read the caption below the picture. Awesome right!!
Convo sekali pulak tu, comel!

This is definitely the best picture of this 31st Convo for me.(Aside of my own picture with my family, of course hehe. I love them lots!) Because there are many things can be learnt from this sweet family. I truly adore them -- their courage, spirit and all. For sure it's not an easy path for them. :')

I wish to hear more about their stories! Hopefully.

Okay, till next time! Assalamualaikum. :)

"Ni baru gamba paling gempaq of all the gamba konvo UIAM 2015. There's no need to dive and swim in the pool, clinging at the cliff , skating at the ice-skating ring, playing tennis, showing your biceps, acting like assassin creed, as harry potter but ...simply a hardworking student/ the wife / the mother of 4 cute little daughters / the daughter i.e ANGAH Rahmawati, becomes best student for particular subject during her 1st degree of LLB last year and best student for 2nd degree LLBs this year convo. Also to Mohammad Hidir Baharudin for being supportive to her all the way and to manage and maintain the wife and 4 children during study. Angah managed to juggle her time with 4 different roles and still ended as a best student.
What about you out there? Take this as an inspiration. If they can achieve this, you can do better becoz you are simply having the only role of a student. Gives your best shot.
Ps: Posing nampak je tercegat kaku, tapi patut sengih sampai ke telinga sebab dah ada dua degree dan 4 orang anak. Anda mampu?" (Mdm Noraini Md. Hashim)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Pre convocation post ;p

I get to collect my own robe.
Alhamdulillah for this chance.
Will be wearing the robe for my convocation ceremony, this Sunday afternoon.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Note sharing : Baitul Haraki ❤

Tajuk baitul haraki perlu banyak ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ;)

Kita kan nak bawa ❤❤ ilal jannah, in sha Allah.

❤Hidup ahli gerakan islam tak sama dengan orang lain.

❤Utk ahli gerakan, perlu pilih yg ada ciri2 yg mahu memperjuangkan islam.

❤Bgmana rasulullah pilih pasangan? - yg paham ttg perjuangan islam.

❤Bukan setakat yg soleh solehah tapi yg paham perjuangan.
Sbb perjuangan ni bukan setakat zaman kampus.

❤Perlu seseorang yg menyokong kita bkn spt ibubapa adkbradk je.

❤Psgn kita yg sehidup semati tu lah yg kita nk utk jd penyokong kita.
-utk ahli gerakan, bukan setakat baitul muslim tapi baitul muslim haraki.

-ada unsur tarbiyah dlm rmhtgga
-Semua ahli dlm rumah perlu jadi pendokong rukun baiah, bkn stkat tahu saja.
-wadah utk ke peringkat seterusnya

❤Akad nikah tu samada satu titik permulaan atau pengakhiran seorang muslimat dlm perjuangan Islam.

❤Sifat pejuang
- byk berkorban. Kita di kampus dah diajar dgn kesusahan2, jadi dah biasa.
- bila kahwin dgn org jemaah, senang utk berkawan dgn kawan2 jemaah jgk.

❤Nak pilih pasangan perlu banyak bergantung pada Allah.

❤Muslimat lebih ramai dari muslimin, jadi muslimat kena jadi berani la kalu betul2 nak. (Berhuhu para muslimat ;p)

❤Bila lepas belajar baru nak cari?
-Kalo kat luar, cth tempat keje kite susah nak nilai dah seseorang tu. Sbb tu senang cari masa kat kampus.
-Nak kahwin bila, tu soal no dua.

❤Kenapa pinangan ditolak?
-taqarrub ilaAllah kurang
-terlalu demand

Forum Baitul Muslim (kot.)
Forgotten the date and the event. Anyways, just take what is good. :)

Suddenly I came across of this piece of advice.

"Tak suka takpe, lepas nikah boleh bercinta."

Tepat ke jantung.

Note sharing : Berbagi Bahagia

Kasih sayang Allah melebihi kasih sayang seorang ibu kepada anaknya 70x kali ganda lagi!!

Untuk berbagi bahagia itu bukan pada kuantiti yang dimiliki, tetapi pada kualiti hati yg memiliki.

Berbagi bahagia itu bukan hanya sesama manusia, tetapi sesama makhluk. Seperti kisah seorang yg kehausan di padang pasir dan seekor anjing.

Nabi saw menganjurkan kpd kita untuk sentiasa berkongsi. Dunia akan menjadi jalan untuk manusia yg mempunyai tujuan. Allah sentiasa mampu membuka jalan buat manusia yg ingin dan mahu.

Nilai pada sesuatu makanan itu bukan pada kuantiti, tapi pada barakah. Makanan yg barakah itu ialah pabila membaca nama Allah, dan makanan yg dikongsi. In sha Allah, sentiasa cukup bagi sesiapa yg suka berkongsi.

Berkongsi dalam ibadah.
Dalam berdoa, jgn doa pada kita sahaja. Tapi doakan juga utk org lain.
Kerana syurga itu luas.
Dalam solat pula, solat sendiri dapat 1pahala. Berjemaah dapat 27.
Fikir keuntungan akhirat.

Yg dikata bahagia itu di dalam hati.
Hati itu ma'nawi, tiada limitation.
Semakin kita berkongsi bahagia, semakin banyak bahagia yg kita rasa.

Kita takkan bahagia selagi orang sekeliling kita belum bahagia. Sebab itu, bahagia itu perlu dicapai secara bersama.

Tidak ada kebahagiaan di atas penderitaan orang lain.

Nota Berbagi Bahagia, Islam itu Indah
Us. Pahrol Md Juoi.
Ikim fm.

Heal Your Soul 2.0


Kepada pembaca AlQuran Karim

Assalamulaikum wr wb
Kuliah ustzh Norhafizah Musa:

**Niat smasa Membaca Al Quran**

Imam Ibnu Kathir mengatakan "Niat lebih gagah/lebih hebat dari amal itu sendiri".  Untuk dapat kehebatan amal, niat mesti  hebat. Sebelum baca Quran halusi niat dan mohon mendapatkan apa yg kita niatkan. Ia akan memberi kesan kepada kehidupan kita secara maknawi atas ganjaran dari Allah AW.

✅1. Mohon untuk mendapat syafa'at al-Quran (al-Quran menjadi teman kita, memberi kebaikan dan membantu kita di hari yang kita susah nanti, insyaAllah).
“Bacalah al-Qur’an kerana ia akan datang pada hari kiamat sebagai pemberi syafa’at kepada para ahlinya.” (HR. Muslim)

✅2. Mohon ditambah kebaikan. Dapat dirasai selagi kita baca al-Quran, ibaratnya terasa btambah curahan kebaikan/kekayaan/pahala kepada kita sehingga membuatkan kita tidak terasa untuk berhenti & kita akan membacanya dlm kudrat kemampuan kita.
“Siapa saja membaca satu huruf dari Kitab Allah (Al-Qur’an), maka baginya satu kebaikan, dan satu kebaikan itu dibalas dengan 10 kali lipatnya.” (HR. At-Tirmidzi).

✅3. Mohon selamat dr api neraka.
"Kalau adalah terkumpul Quran dalam hati-hati manusia, maka ia tidak akan dibakar api neraka"

✅4. Memakmurkan hati kerana membaca al-Quran menjadi "basuhan", menghidupkan hati dari menjadi busuk, usang dan menjadi tempat benda-benda yang merbahaya.
“Sesungguhnya barang siapa yang dalam dirinya tiada bacaan Al Quran maka ia seperti halnya rumah yang usang”

✅5. Mohon untuk diamalkan setiap yang kita baca. Baca al- Quran sebaiknya dengan elok2, tenang dan tartil. Kedudukan kita/darjat kita ditentukan dgn kedudukan ayat/bacaan kita yang terakhir kita baca  di dunia ini. Contohnya jika ayat terakhir yang dibaca itu berkenaan jihad, maka kedudukan berjihadlah  pembacanya kelak walaupun pembacanya tidak meninggal semasa berjihad.
Dikatakan kepada pembaca al-Quran: “Bacalah (al-Qur’an), naiklah (pada darjat2 syurga) dan bacalah dengan tartil sbagaimana engkau membacanya dengan tartil didunia. Sesungguhnya kedudukan darjatmu sehingga kadar akhir ayat yang engkau baca.” (HR. Ahmad).

✅6. Jadikan Al- Quran sebagai syifa/ubat/ kepada hati-hati yang berpenyakit dan kelemahan tubuh badan kita.
"Dan Kami turunkan dari Al Qur'an suatu yang menjadi penawar dan rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman ....."
(Al Isra' 17:82)

✅7. Mohon ia menenangkan hati yang gundah gulanah bila mbaca Al-Quran dengan tartil. Nafsu dan hati yang liar/bergolak hanya dapat ditenangkan dengan rawatan kembali kepada Al-Quran dan membacanya dengan tartil. Bacalah sehingga tenang.
"(Iaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan tenang tenteram hati mereka dgn zikrullah". Ketahuilah dgn "zikrullah" itu, tenang tenteramlah hati manusia" (Ar-Ra'd 13:28)

✅8. Mohon supaya hati hidup, bercahaya dan hilang kesedihan digantikan dengan yang baik.

✅9. Mohon menjadi penyebab mendapat hidayah yang sempurna."Kitab (Al Quraan) ini tidak ada keraguan padanya; petunjuk bagi mereka yang bertaqwa" (Al Baqarah 2:2)

✅10. Mohon hidup tidak terlerai dari al-Quran dn kita dibangkitkn kelak dengan syafa'at Al-Quran.
Kata Imam  Ibnu Kathir: "Sesiapa hidup atas sesuatu (meng hambakan diri)  biasanya dia akan mati disebabkan sesuatu itu dan dia dibangkitkan dgn sesuatu itu"

"Apakah orang2 yg membuat kejahatan itu menyangka bahwa Kami akan menjadikan mereka seperti orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal solleh, iaitu sama ant kehidupan dan kematian mereka? Amat buruklah sangkaan mereka.

Khas buat  keluargaku dan org2 yg disayangi dan diingati selalu..��

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Little things.

I am not a person who celebrates birthday like throwing a party just because it is my birthday. Just a few hellos and wishes would be enough, coz that shows you care. :) #littlethings

The same thing for my 23rd birthday. I am not expecting my friends to prank or surprise me with something unusual or whatnot. I accepted some wishes from my dearest friends and all. However, there is a few things that makes me feel touched and appreciated this time. Cz i never expected that.

For example, my friends whom I thought have forgotten about me, actually takes their time to not only wished me a happy birthday... But they had edited pictures of me with some quotes that made me feel so delighted. :')

MashaAllah.. How the little things can make someone happy.

InsyaAllah, I learnt a precious experience today. How to make other people happy -- make them feel appreciated and loved. :)

"Kindness is never wasted." Remember?


Alhamdulillah. Uhibbukum fillah. ��

Sweet Goo. ;p

Aww, look what I got here.
Google wished my birthday :')
Thanks Goog, you make me feel special and important. XD

However, i am gratified waking up to read the first birthday wish for today,
coz it is from my mother.

Terima kasih mok. utk doa2. Tanpa doa ibu, tidak berada aku di sini.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Moments at #Fastaqim

1. Melihat berpuluh ribu manusia mengibarkan bendera kemegahan Parti Islam Semalaysia. Sangat indah dan megah.

2. Mendengar laungan takbir bergema dan menggetar hati, terutama apabila Presiden masuk ke stadium dan sewaktu berucap.

3. Melihat wajah Tuan Guru Presiden sebak sewaktu membacakan doa buat kaum muslimin.

4. Seorang ayah mengajarkan anak kecilnya mengambil wudhuk.

5. Ahli dan penyokong dari seluruh pelusuk negeri yang hadir tanpa sponsor amdari sesiapa. Program berlangsung di Kelantan tetapi dikelilingi orang Kedah!

6. Melihat bendera besar negeri Terengganu, bendera Pas dan bendera Syria dikibarkan dari jauh.

7. Penyokong dari pelbagai peringkat umur hadir. OKU pun ada!

8. Pengumuman kehilangan ayah. Ini comel (⌒_⌒;)

9. Berdiri megah menyanyikan lagu negara, lagu Pas dan satu lagu tema. Roh perjuangan meresap masuk.

10. Menatap wajah pemimpin walaupun dari skrin sahaja tetapi cukup bermakna.

Kesilapan besar buat diri kerana tertidur sepanjang acara berlangsung. Semoga keberkatan berada di dalam majlis yg dihadiri ulama' dan pejuang yg ikhlas terkena tempias buat diriku. :(

Orang muda sokong Ulama'!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Ms. I-Know-Everything vs Ms. I-Know-Nothing

They may complement each other.
But when the time comes, a war might burst between these two.

Cold war.
Silent scream.

When ms know nothing realized that she actually knew something, that ms know everything did not know. But she still acted like she knew it anyway.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Madam A.

"I don't know why you choose literature as your Master.

But as a literature major, you should have responded to the poems. Give your own thoughts and there is no right or wrong in giving opinions.

If it is boring, then just say it, and give reasons why it's boring."

Thursday, October 15, 2015

#1 Blessed Friday

What If the Prophet Added You as a Friend?

Would you press accept?
Or would you stay awake late at night, pondering it before you slept?

Will you be tempted to press ignore?Will you feel at war?

Will you feel happy that the prophet thought of you as a part of his ummah, his friend?Will you start to make amends?

Or will you be worried about what he will think of your profile?Will it become your biggest trial?

Will you finally delete that horoscope application?Will you change your favourite quotes to glorify creation?

Will you delete those late night webcam pictures without the hijab?Will you look at your life and feel a stab?As you add the qu’ran as your favourite book?

Will you feel like a fake, a crook?Will you take a few days to make sure everything is within Islamic law?

Will your heart finally begin to thaw?Will you delete your old conversations?

Or will you feel nothing at all and continue following your temptations?Will you press ignore, And not think about it anymore?

No reason to worry about that possibility occurring

The prophet has long departed

But Allah is always there Watching you and listening to your prayers

You don’t need to add Him as your friend With Allah,you can never hide or pretend

He doesn't need your permission to view Ur wall-to-walls, your pictures, your comments, and your statuses too. 

sollu ala nabiyy.

House of Islam

House of Islam by Marmaduke Pickthall,
a novel that I must finish for the class activity ;p

" There is this, my father : I fear much to
I fear the great darkness and the loneliness.
Thou knowest how I always have feared
to be alone in darkness, how I feel a jinni
clutch me, and I scream. O my dearest, O
Allah, what shall I do in a darkness which has
no boundary, in a silence whence no scream is
ever heard

(Alia, House of Islam. Marmaduke Pickthall)

 "....ascribing to him that power of life and death
which is the prerogative of God alone."

 He went on to speak to them of his own
sin, quoting,
" Man prays for evil, as he prays
for good, for man is unthinking
;" when all
personal feelings became lost in pure admiration
of his golden gift.


Bila tengah menjaga babyZ, dengar dia tersedu.
Terus ingat kat mak.

Kalau saya tersedu depan mak saya,
mak mesti tanya

"Ni nok besor ke nok gemuk.."


Mok teringat zaman saya baby ke camne. ;p

Maybe we are still a baby in the eyes of our mothers :')

Love you mum.

Wan Azizah Wan Ibrahim